Are You Ready for your results to finally match your effort?

It’s not your fault that nothing has worked so far. Get all of the answers and find out how we make well-being easy and enjoyable like it’s supposed to be.

Are you ready to finally stop guessing what will actually work for you?

Finally Succeed With An Expert In Your Corner

You will benefit by having a coach who is dedicated to your success. I cannot wait to personaly witness your growth and celebrate your health successes with me!

Personalized & Tailored for You

Master a consistent, tailored-to-you, get results and Get ready to enter a journey that is as unique as you are.

Sustainable Feel-good Changes

Gain confidence in your body’s naturally powerful abilities as you naturally motivated to continue the habits that keep you feeling like your best version. This is the last health program you will ever need.

Whether it's relief from symptoms or a complete life and body transformation you’re after, we're here to make “feeling amazing” your baseline.

I have been questioning just about everything since I was old enough to ask. At 7 years old I made a commitment to myself to keep exploring, to keep asking questions.. I dedicated myself to seeking the wisdom needed to help everyone I could to be well..

Acheive it All With a Dedicated Coach

Feel what it’s like to be met with both experience and empathy as you are met exactly where you are at. Allow me to compassionately guide you as you tap-in to your own inner power and wisdom. This is all you need to get back into the drivers seat and own your wellness journey- to heal the relationship between yourself and your body.

Tap-In to What Works for Your Body

Quickly skip over the myriad of struggles that women uiquely face by utilizing my fool-proof framework developed over the course of the 7 years I’ve spent coaching hundreds (if not thousands) of women. Learn the keys to lasting health while radically changing your life and the lives of those you love..

Save Time, Energy & Money With My Shortcuts

Thanks for stopping in! I’M JADE,


Our Approach to Wellness

I’ve seen so many women spend their lifetimes testing the endless diets and the supplements with big claims. I will save you years of dead-ends and thousands of dollars.

I believe that everyone - and especially you who is taking the time to read this - has the potential to absolutely thrive when it comes to their well-being. I will help you unlock that potential and turn it into lasting health.

Women like yourself who simply want to feel good know me as the Nutritional Counselor who finally gets them the results they’ve been looking for.

Women who feel good, do good. My desire was to create a course encompassing valuable, acheivable steps, while honoring where each woman is at on her journey to well-being.

And that is how Jade’s Green Way came to life.

I founded Jade’s Green Way to give women like you an achievable, clear map to wellbeing- to your healthiest happiest version. You will discover the path to balance and all that you need to finally feel good forever.

Add Your Journey to the list of Success Stories.

8 Weeks From Now, This Could Be You:


What you will learn:

I’m not going to give you a lost of do’s and don’ts. Instead, I will equip you with the tools you need and reveal to you how to master complete wellness and Finally Feel Good Forever.

Take Back Control

I will help you master the simple, foundational elements of well-being and become a pro at discerning exactly what your body needs at every step of the way. We will take your well-being back into your hands

Hear Your Body

Being healthy will become your instinctual default. No more guess work, you will tap into your own body’s signals and feedback loop to determine what to eat and to to maintain your health.

Triple Your Energy

You will be “wowed” by my never-before revealed techniques that will leave you overflowing with energy and able to accomplish everything on your to-do list with energy to spare.

Put Yourself First on Your To-Do List!

Take your health off of the back-burner and find out what may be standing in your way of a healthy life.