Whether it's relief from symptoms or a complete life and body transformation you’re after, we're here to make “feeling amazing” your default.



Become Unstoppable With Your Body On Your Side

Feel what it’s like to be met with both experience and empathy as you are met exactly where you are at. Allow me to compassionately guide you as you tap-in to your own inner power and wisdom. This is all you need to get back into the drivers seat and own your wellness journey- to heal the relationship between yourself and your body.

Quickly skip over the myriad of struggles that women uiquely face by utilizing my fool-proof framework developed over the course of the 7 years I’ve spent coaching hundreds (if not thousands) of women. Learn the keys to lasting health while radically changing your life and the lives of those you love..

Relax & Lean In to What Works

Finally Succeed With A Dedicated Coach

I have been questioning just about everything since I was old enough to ask. At 7 years old I made a commitment to myself to keep exploring, to keep asking questions.. I dedicated myself to seeking the wisdom needed to help everyone I could to be well.

Our Approach to Wellness

I’ve seen so many women spend their lifetimes testing the endless diets and the supplements with big claims. I will save you years of dead-ends and thousands of dollars.

I believe that everyone has the potential to absolutely thrive when it comes to their health. I will help you unlock that potential and turn it into lasting wellness.

Women like yourself who choose to work with me know me as the Nutritional Counselor who finally gets them the results they’ve been looking for.

I founded Jade’s Green Way to give women like you an achievable, clear map to wellness- to your healthiest happiest version. You will discover the path to balance and all that you need to finally feel good forever

My desire was to create a course encompassing these valuable basics, while honoring where each woman is at on her wellness journey.

And that is how Jade’s Green Way came to life.

Here Are Some Of Their Stories:

At Jade’s Green Way, we’ve impacted so many.

Core Principals

  • I am certified by The Association of Natural Health as a Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor and Herbalogist. I also graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, a nationally accredited program with board certification, where I obtained a certification in Holistic Health Coaching. Additionally, I have recently completed my certification as a Hormone Health Coach. Over the past seven years, I have been actively engaged in health coaching. I'm currently expanding my knowledge by studying endocrinology and Applied Neuroscience for Brain Change in the Treatment of Trauma, Anxiety, and Stress Disorders. These areas of study allow me to better assist my clients on a more profound level.

  • This course has 6 modules and was designed to be completed in 6 weeks but can be completed at your own pace.

  • Absolutely not! I am passionate about you being successful and reaching your goals. I am a Nutritional Counselor, not a “ghost writer” for this course.

    The course is on-demand which is supportive of you taking it at your own pace. It’s important for you to complete each task before moving forward. Everyone moves at a different pace, so complete each module at the speed you are most comfortable with.

    If you have questions, you can either ask in our group or submit your questions to be answered on our live monthly group call.

  • I can not ethically or legally guarantee anything. You have to commit yourself to the process by showing up and doing the work. Only this level of consistency, paired with the education in my course will dictate the results you get from taking this course.

  • Since this course is a knowledge-based course, there will be no refunds offered.

  • For the lifetime of this course!! If you want to go back and access something five years from now, it will be there waiting for you.

  • For the lifetime of the course! Yep, I’m a firm believer in the coaching process and I believe that throughout your life and wellness journey, you could always benefit from, and deserve coaching.

    I want to support you now and in your future.

    So, if you have a question this week, next month, or in two years… you can jump on the group coaching call and we will get your questions answered.

  • I have a few options but won’t know which, if any, is applicable to you without learning more about your situation. Simply click “Apply Today”, and we can hop on a call to discuss this further.

It’s Your Turn to Finally Feel Good Forever