
Welcome to your free resource library! Below are some powerful resources for you to bring your mind, body and life into a healthy alignment. You’ll notice that your resources are organized into three categories: The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone.

These three distinct aspects or figures symbolize the stages in the female life cycle. Together, they form holistic femininity- known as the “Triple Goddess”, a powerful archetypal representation revered in many spiritual traditions.

We have broken down this femanine trinity for you below. Throughout your life, you may have embodied each, and maybe you still have yet to embody one version or another.

The Maiden/Enchantress

The maiden is the woman that teaches you who you are, who you want to be and how to grow in this lifetime.

The Mother

The mother is the woman that models how you deserve to be cared for- socially, emotionally, mentally and physically.

The Crone

The Crone is the woman that teaches you how to love yourself and how to take time and learn.