The Physical Crone

This is the tranfformative stage in the life of a woman.

The following resources are for women who are preparing to enter (perimenopause), or have already entered the stage of menopause. Support your body through this incredibly powerful season with my free resources below.

The Metaphorical Crone

Some women come into this lifetime with Big Crone Energy.

An “old soul”, an “empath”, wise from a young age… For some women, you have come into this time and space with an outlook that predates your years. The search for deeper meaning., the yearning for something “real”, the desire to evolve, these are all aspects of “croneology”. We have resources for you, too!

If you are like most women, the majority of what you have heard and associate with this stage is what can go wrong:

  • Hot Flashes

  • Low Energy

  • Low Sex Drive

  • Hair Loss

Find out What Can Go Right!

And enjoy feeling supported as you “transform” with ease using the free resources I have provided below.

  • Vaginal Dryness

  • Dry Skin & Hair

  • Difficulty Losing Weight

  • “Everything hurts”

Menopause Made Simple

No need to over-complicate this natural process. Get your sure-fire formula below:

Get Your Volume Back

Have you noticed that your hair is thinning, dryer, or just flat-out falling out? Don’t fret! Click below.

Those Last 10 Pounds

Find out why it’s harder to lose weight now and what you can do to reverse that with my Downloadable PDF

Eliminate Bedroom Blues

If things in the bedroom are not like before, or even if sex is simply not appealing to you anymore, click below to get your juice back!

Your best is yet to come.

The most beautiful aspect of life is arguably our ability to evolve and transform. For centuries, women have been guiding eachother through the changes that occur on our way to “Crone-hood”. All of your life you have likely nurtured those around you. This is the stage where you have permission to give to yourself, to seek deeper meaning, and to pass that wisdom along. They don’t call them the “golden” years for nothing. If your body is changing and you’re tired of feeling like a foreigner, wanting your old life and body back.… Take a deep breath. You’re in the right place.

Find out the secrets to this incredible time period and how to fully enjoy the treasures that lie ahead

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Resources For The Mother