The Maiden

This is the earliest stage in some women’s lives.

The following resources are for women who have already entered, or are still navigating the effects of unresolved aspects of the maiden stage. Support your body through finding your inner voice, your passion and purpose.

In so many ways we have been programmed to recognize what can go “wrong” in this stage:

  • Thyroid Imbalance

  • Cravings

  • Bloating

  • Yeast Infections

  • Endometriosis

  • PMDD

  • PMS

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

  • PCOS

  • UTI’s

Experience what it feels like for things to be “just right.”

Hormone Support

Mood fluctuations, low energy and more can be signs that your hormones could use some support. I’ve got your back with this resource:

Navigate Cravings

Good news! Your cravings may be telling you something. Click below to de-code your bodys’ messages.

Understanding Bloating

What to do when your body is experiencing bloating and other digestive issues.

Your Mood and Energy

Are you struggling to just feel “good”, have enough energy to complete all of your tasks and not worry so much? Take a deep breath and click the link below.

Adulting is hard enough.

Even when you feel good! If you feel frustrated that your body keeps finding surprising and creative ways to tell you “something isn’t right” but you want to be well… Take a deep breath. You’re in the right place.

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Gain Unlimited Access to All of Our Exclusive Resources In The Finally Feel Good Forever Course

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Resources For The Mother