Holistic and natural "focus cocktail"

This “bulletproof" chai tea enhances mental cognition and focus without overstimulating your nervous system. Here are the componants:

  1. MCT Oil: MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) oil, similar to what's used in traditional bulletproof coffee, can provide a quick and clean source of energy for the brain. It's known to support mental clarity and focus.

  2. Ashwagandha: This adaptogenic herb has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce stress and improve cognitive function. It may help with anxiety and overall mental well-being.

  3. Lion's Mane Mushroom: Lion's Mane is a natural nootropic known for its potential to boost cognitive function, memory, and focus. You can find it in powdered form to add to your chai.

  4. Rhodiola Rosea: Another adaptogen, Rhodiola, can help reduce fatigue and enhance alertness, making it a useful addition for a focus-oriented beverage.

  5. Cinnamon: Apart from its delicious flavor, cinnamon may help stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing energy crashes that can lead to focus issues.

  6. Almond or Coconut Milk: Opt for unsweetened versions of these plant-based milks to keep the drink low in sugar.

  7. Stevia or Monk Fruit Sweetener: For a touch of sweetness without added sugar.


Vegan "Bulletproof" Chai Tea for Focus

  • Brew a strong cup of chai tea using your favorite vegan chai tea bags or loose-leaf tea.

  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of MCT oil, a pinch of cinnamon, and a dash of ginkgo biloba extract.

  • If you have powdered Lion's Mane or ashwagandha, add 1/2 teaspoon of each.

  • Sweeten to taste with stevia or monk fruit sweetener.

  • Blend all the ingredients using a high-speed blender until frothy.

Feel free to adjust the quantities to suit your taste, and remember that individual responses to herbs and supplements can vary, so start with smaller amounts and gradually increase as needed.


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