5 Foods to Keep Things Juicer


A woman’s transition into motherhood, nursing, birth control, or that Crone phase can trigger some pesky side effects if we’re out of balance. Unfortunately, many of these changes are governed by the same hormones that rule our sex drive. Low sex drive can be both a cause and a result but it is often accompanied by vaginal dryness.

In this 3-minute read, learn how you can go from dry to dripping and get things juicier than ever again.

Ladies, it's time to talk about a topic that might make you blush – natural lubrication. Don't worry; we're here to keep it fun and lighthearted. We're about to explore five foods that can help you stay naturally well-lubricated during life's hormonal roller coasters. So, let's dive in and add a little zest to your intimate wellness!

  1. H2O: The Ultimate Hydration Hero
    Okay, we know water isn't a food, but it's your lubrication's best friend. Staying well-hydrated keeps everything in your body working smoothly, including your nether regions. So, sip that water like it's your favorite cocktail, and let the hydration party begin!

  2. Chia Seeds: Tiny Yet Mighty
    These little guys are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which can boost your body's overall moisture levels. Chia seeds absorb liquid and help keep things running smoothly. Sprinkle them on your salads, baked goods, or toss them into a smoothie, and let chia work its slippery magic.

  3. Avocado: Nature's Butter
    Avocado is not just for toast; it's a creamy, healthy fat-filled fruit that helps maintain good vaginal lubrication. Avocado's healthy fats can promote hormone production and keep your lady parts feeling happy and well-oiled.

  4. Slippery Elm Bark: Slip and Slide Herb
    Slippery elm bark has been used traditionally to soothe and moisturize mucous membranes. It's like a friendly slip and slide for your nether regions. Brew it into a tea, or watch my video with the recipe for gooey elm balls and you'll be sliding into comfort in no time.

  5. Sweet, Juicy Fruits
    Fruits like watermelon, strawberries, and pineapples are not only delicious but also high in water content. These juicy delights can boost your overall hydration, keeping things moist and playful.

And for an extra tip: Coconut Oil: A Natural Lubricant to the Rescue
In the meantime, consider using coconut oil as a natural lubricant. It's not just for cooking; it's a skin-friendly, all-natural option that can enhance your intimate moments while also smelling like a tropical getaway.

Ladies, remember, there's no need to be embarrassed about your natural lubrication. These fun and tasty foods can help you stay comfortable and lubricated during post-partum and menopausal phases of life. So keep it light, enjoy these delicious treats, and keep the good times rolling!

If you're eager to dive deeper into the world of natural lubrication, hormonal wellness, and gain access to in-depth guidance and personalized instructions, we've got you covered. Take the first step toward reclaiming your comfort and vitality by clicking on our exclusive quiz. By participating, you'll secure a spot on the waitlist for our Finally Feel Good online course, where you'll receive comprehensive insights and expert advice to help you navigate the unique challenges of post-partum and menopausal phases.

Don't miss this opportunity to embrace your intimate wellness and overall health. Get started now and embark on a journey to finally feeling good!


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